Sofia Lafuente
Música para filmes, televisão e publicidadeCantautora hispano-americana que trabalha com Sam Klempner, iSHi e Toby Scott.
Temas mais recentes
Domestic BlissSofia Donavan-Lafuente | Alexander Charles Elliott | Joshua Wheatley HabitsSofia Donavan-Lafuente | Joshua Wheatley Are You ListeningSofia Donavan-Lafuente | Christopher Steven Butcher Good IntentionsSofia Donavan-Lafuente | Alexander Charles Elliott ReligionSofia Donavan-Lafuente | Christopher Steven Butcher
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A história por detrás do tema
Sofia Lafuente is a Spanish American singer/songwriter living in West London. After graduating from Middlebury College, Sofia had the opportunity to write with a variety of emerging artists including Naaz (Universal Germany), Mason Maynard (Island Records), One Bit and The Fanatix (Columbia Records) on a Spanish record. Sofia has also been working on artist projects with producers and writers such as Sam Klempner, Alex E, Deep Stack and Pedestrian.
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